Academic Quality Assurance in Online Higher Education: Guiding Principles and Questions


This paper presents guiding principles and leading questions for academic quality assurance in online higher education in a university in Nova Scotia, Canada. The approach taken is grounded in the long-held values of academic freedom and social responsibility, both of which are foundational to ensure freedom of inquiry, analysis, engagement, and exchange, and lead thought and action in critical and progressive directions. The three principles communicate a foundation for beliefs and behaviours regarding best practices in online and blended education and foreground academic freedom and integrity, social responsibility, and considerations of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility for student, staff, and faculty engagement in online/blended teaching and learning. Principle #1 is Intention: the purpose for proposing a program or course be online or blended; Principle #2 is Impact: the effect an online or blended program or course is anticipated to have on students and faculty; Principle #3 is Interaction: ways and means of interpersonal contact among and between students and faculty. Questions for actualizing the principles are offered within the framework and application examples are shared.


Marion Brown
Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Health, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies


Academic Quality Assurance, Online Education, Digital Pedagogies