Self-directed Learning in Intercultural Contexts: A Study from a Gender Perspective


This study explores how cultural and gender differences influence self-directed learning and how people from different cultures and genders access and benefit from self-directed learning opportunities. The method used is quantitative, in which surveys were applied to determine the level of self-learning development of students from a university in the city of Temuco, in which the variables of gender and ethnic background were included, this was crossed with the data of their academic performance both in their result and in the pass/fail branches. The main result is that the levels of self-learning are higher in women than in men and that there are differences in origin. This is mediated by the capacities of use of ICTs and internet connection By exploring these interactions, we hope to promote effective strategies that enhance more equitable learning in line with SDG-4 and SDG-5.


Pablo A Müller-Ferrés
Profesor Asociado, Facultas de Administración y Negocios, Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Chile

Nathaly Vera
Directora de Carrera, Facultad de Educación, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Araucanía, Chile


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future


Sustainable Development Goals, Learning, Equity, Intercultural