Telenovela Production from Script to Screen: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Digital Pedagogy, Culture, and Language


This paper presents a case study of an innovative Spanish language and culture course, an academic endeavor that foments language acquisition while introducing the cultural and economic significance of telenovelas, a genre central to LA/latino media and an export commodity with global impact. Students engage critically with the genre, exploring its role in shaping cultural narratives. Students transition from theory to practice, undertaking roles of writers, actors, directors, editors, and producers to create an original Spanish-language telenovela. Scriptwriting workshops emphasizing narrative structure and character development reflective of cultural nuances complement practical modules on acting, filming, and directing. Central to this pedagogical approach is the creation of a digital space where the production process is documented and shared. We discuss the digital tools and platforms utilized to facilitate this collaborative and creative space, and how these tools enhance learning outcomes. The digital pedagogy component extends to post-production, where students engage in editing and subtitling in English to reach a wider audience. The final product is a four-episode telenovela (with 4 commercials) that is not only an educational tool but a piece of cultural production. The project culminates in a public screening. We detail the pedagogical framework, the multidisciplinary approach, and the assessment strategies employed to measure engagement and learning outcomes. The case study contributes to the discourse on digital pedagogies/spaces for learning, demonstrating how traditional forms of cultural storytelling can be effectively leveraged to enrich modern educational experiences and prepare students for an evolving digital landscape.


Elena Mangione
Teaching Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States

Steven Varela
Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies, Office of Informational Technologies, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Digital Institutions and Spaces


Telenovela, Digital Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, Media Production, Interdisciplinary, Digital Literacy