Alternative Ways for a Successful Implementation of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) and Blended Learning (BL) in Algerian Higher Education


The recent reforms in Algerian Higher Education (HE) imposed the implementation of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) and Blended Learning (BL). Although the project that the Algerian Ministry of HE wants to implement is ambitious, it involves the teacher in many challenges. Using research in applied linguistics, which demonstrates that our non-verbal resources play an equal role as our verbal resources in meaning construction and in effective communication, this paper argues that a full and advanced competence in English is not required in order to communicate successfully in an EMI classroom, and that Blended Learning approach increase teachers’ communicative resources. Additionally, relying on effectiveness research in education, which emphasizes the role of teacher training for educators, this paper maintains that although language purity is not required, teachers should receive adequate training in how to implement EMI and BL and how to keep developing professionally. This paper proposes a framework that ensures a successful implementation of EMI and BL, but goes beyond these current challenges as it proposes alternative ways that support teachers in how to overcome any potential challenges. The framework consists of teacher training courses delivered in blended environments and continuous professional development opportunities ensured through the creation of a Community of Practice (CoP) platform. This platform merges data analysis, construction database, and information visualization (Infovis) domains to provide an interactive visualization. It enables teachers to actively progress professionally while collaborating and exchanging resources at a large scale through a comprehensive and interactive visualization.


Boussoualim Malika
Senior Lecturer, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique (ESI), Alger, Algeria

Samiha Fadloun
Senior Lecturer, National Higher School of Computer Science (ESI), Alger, Algeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future