Rowing Against the Tide or Rolling with the Punches: Educating Gen Z Students for Lifelong Success in Dealing with Disinformation and Misinformation


As we are dealing with a new generation of students (dubbed “Gen Z”), a multi-pronged approach to digital and media literacy is suggested that involves above all the creation of a mindset valuing critical thinking, fact-checking, information humility, and something as simple as slowing down a notch before sharing/publishing information to allow for its verification. Solid data skills are required of present-day students. It is the educators’ responsibility to instill these practices in students with a wide range of backgrounds, views, abilities and commitment. Gen Z as digital natives have been particularly interesting to observe and teach, because they are mostly unaware of any other mediated communication but online. They confuse the meaning of messages when it comes to judging the authority of the messenger. Celebrities and various “gurus” became as influential (or even more so) than respected scientists with long research track records. The consequences of such confusion became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it falls on educators to find the ways to improve the ways in which Gen Z acquire critical information about the world. This is a long-term battle and not a matter of simple inoculation or one-time measures. It requires the appropriate mindset among educators and media professionals alike, too, who should not succumb to the easy desperation because of our information overabundance, the seeming dominance of disinformation/misinformation, and the general malaise of constant conflict mentality supported by social media algorithms.


Christopher Karadjov
Associate Professor, Journalism and Public Relations, California State University, Long Beach, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Digital Institutions and Spaces