Pedagogy for Collaborative Learning in the Age of AI


Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to automate many of the tasks that were traditionally done by designers, such as generating layouts, creating color schemes, and even coming up with new ideas. However, AI will not replace designers; rather, it will change the role of designers in the future. In order to solve the increasingly complex problems contemporary society is facing today, it is critical for aspiring designers to learn how to collaborate effectively with other designers, developers, and stakeholders. This study focuses on the following: Cloud-based remote collaboration: Cloud-based remote collaboration tools enable designers to work efficiently and effectively with experts who are located in different places. These tools allow designers to communicate, integrate, and track progress synchronously or asynchronously. AI-assisted design process: Students need to be taught how to use AI tools and technologies in order to be successful in the future. This includes learning how to use AI to automate tasks, generate ideas, and test designs. Critical thinking and problem framing: Although AI can automate many tasks, it cannot replace the creativity and critical thinking skills that designers bring to the table. These changes are essential for preparing students for the future of design. This paper showcases award-winning projects and student portfolios from FIT’s Creative Technology & Design (CT&D) program area, as well as discuss the challenges and opportunities for collaborative learning in the age of AI.


Chin-juz Yeh
Professor, Creative Technology and Design, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, United States

Christie Shin
Professor, Creative Technology and Design, Fashion Institute of Technology, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies


Collaborative Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Remote Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Problem Framing