Technologies of Mediation: Awareness and Perception of Selected Nigerian L2 English Teachers on the Benefits and Challenges of using ChatGPT as a Language Learning Tool


ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot developed by OpenAI, currently has over 100 million users and 1.8 billion visitors monthly. Though the AI-powered tool has immense pedagogic benefits: personalized learning experiences, promotion of self-directed and active learning, increased motivation, fostering of creativity, critical thinking and collaboration: it raises issues of privacy, accuracy and ethics. This study investigates the awareness and perception of a group of selected Nigerian L2 English teachers on the benefits and challenges associated with using ChatGPT as a tool for language learning. Grounded in socio-constructivist theory, the study used survey design and key-informant interview to examine the teachers’ perspectives on the potential advantages of ChatGPT in enhancing language proficiency, promoting learner engagement, and providing personalized language practice. Additionally, the study investigated the perceived challenges, such as technological limitations, concerns about linguistic accuracy, and potential overreliance on AI in language education in order to gain insights into the viability and effectiveness of ChatGPT as a language learning tool within the Nigerian educational context. The sample was drawn from teachers of English purposively selected from three universities of SciTech in Nigeria. The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, and hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings reveal that teachers appreciate the use of the technology for language teaching, but raised concern in its use; issues of originality of its response, and accuracy of its responses were major concerns of these teachers. The digital competencies required to use the AI-powered technology ethically are highlighted.


Titi Fola Adebayo
Professor Lecturer, Institute of Technology-Enhanced Learning and Digital Humanities, The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, Ondo, Nigeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies of Mediation