Maximizing Student Engagement in an Online Setting : New Perspectives


Maximizing online student engagement is an aspect of learning that is esoteric to virtual learning platforms. This study illustrates the benefits of student engagement in a virtual setting. Instructors must replicate in-person engagement among students who live in separate geographic regions. Without proper engagement strategies, virtual learning can become nothing more than an independent study course as students work in silos and fail to connect with one another. Furthermore, learner to learner engagement is a highly valued component of virtual learning that is sometimes not achieved. The study contributes to the body of knowledge surrounding virtual learning pedagogy. It relies on an exhaustive literature review. A plethora of new literature has been produced in the area of virtual and online education. This study analyzes student engagement as a result of this recent paradigm shift and concludes with several action items to achieve a higher level of student engagement.


Sean Preston
Faculty, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Purdue University Global, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies