Missed Opportunities of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Validating the Online Learning Appraisal Survey (OLAS)


During the COVID-19 global pandemic, education systems around the world were forced to respond to imposed prohibitions on face-to-face contact and direct interpersonal contact. While some universities closed their doors most introduced online solutions in the form of existing learning management platforms or through hybrid combinations with emergent communication applications such as Zoom. Students were often afforded a combination of asynchronous and synchronous lesson formats although many of the pedagogical provisions were dependent on hardware availability and the technological literacy of faculty and students. Now, as universities welcome students back the research landscape is required to shift toward considering the ideal composition of education in the post-pandemic era. It is therefore important for researchers to develop the data collection tools and frameworks needed for students to have their experiences understood and for the post-pandemic implications for future online learning experiences to be contextualized. Situated within a Japanese information system university, this presentation documents an attempt to devise and validate a new survey measure known as the Online Learning Appraisal Survey (OLAS). The OLAS was created for the purpose of appraising the online educational experience of students as experienced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The measure records student experiences pertaining to learning materials, learning assessment, learning support, self-regulation, social interaction, emotion, technology, perceived value and access. Using data from a sample of 299 Japanese university students, the presentation details the validation procedures undertaken and provides guidance for the use of the survey measure in other educational contexts.


Damian Rivers
Professor, School of Systems Information Science, Future University Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Designing Social Transformations


Education, Online, Validation