Information Fluency as a Core Competency: Promoting Lifelong Learning


The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 calls for promoting lifelong learning opportunities while offering an inclusive and equitable quality education. In Qatar, access to the latest educational tools and the availability of technological infrastructure create a supportive environment for higher education institutions and encourage them to adopt new technologies and approaches for teaching and learning. Academic libraries are essential partners in supporting new educational approaches and tools thus providing the resources and services that facilitate teaching and learning. Through the development of an integrated information fluency (IF) curriculum, librarians at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q) designed a series of training workshops, developed online modules, curated a collection of online resources, and offered one-on-one consultations that aim at promoting lifelong learning skills among undergraduate students. By collaborating with faculty members across campus and working with fellow librarians from the main campus in the U.S., CMU-Q librarians created many educational opportunities where students learned about the information landscape, refined their information seeking and evaluation competencies, practised their critical thinking abilities, and developed lifelong learning skills. The IF curriculum was implemented across all undergraduate programs offered at CMU-Q and played a vital role in preparing undergraduate students for their future professional career, personal development endeavours, and civic engagement as participatory citizens who can actively contribute to the improvement of their communities. This paper describes the design, development, and delivery of the IF curriculum, the challenges and opportunities that emerged during its implementation, and the lessons learned while undertaking this interdisciplinary project.


Reya Saliba
Instruction and Outreach Librarian, CMU-Q Libraries, Carnegie Mellon University Qatar, Ad Dawhah, Qatar


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future


Information Literacy, Information Fluency, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, SDG4, Qatar