Computer Science Opportunities, Development, and Education in Rural Schools: Computer Science Opportunities, Development, and Education in Rural Schools - Digital Practices in STEAM Lessons


In this workshop we envision a demonstration of how to implement comprehensive pedagogical practices in 3rd-8th classrooms that include STEM plus writing and music as part of a single lesson. We aim to support our impact and findings in the areas of study to show evidence of impact especially in perceptions an attitudes towards these practices for both students and teachers who are part of this study. We are a group of five faculty members from Missouri State University who were awarded a four million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Education . Our main objective is to expand and improve, computer science education while teaching in different content areas in rural schools. We seek to promote integrative pedagogical practices that involve STEAM areas into their everyday teaching. We have named this project Computer Science Opportunities, Development, and Education in Rural Schools (CODERS). We represent three colleges, The College of Arts and Letters, College of Applied and Natural Sciences, and College of Education. We offer expertise in six disciplines: Computer Sciences, Physics, Math Writing, Literature and Language, Music, and Education. We have worked with two cohorts of rural teachers from Missouri, USA, 33 educators. We provide them with tools, artifacts and professional development training and guidance to offer integrative pedagogical STEAM practices that students from specific populations, such as low socio-economic status and other disadvantages would not have otherwise.  


Judith Martinez
Associate Professor of Literature, Languages and Cultures, CODERS Team, Missouri State University, Missouri, United States

Tammi Davis
Missouri State University

Andrew Homburg
Associate Professor of Music Education Interim Director of Secondary Education, Department of Music, Missouri State University, Missouri, United States

Razib Iqbal
Professor, Computer Science, Missouri State University, Missouri, United States

Diana Piccolo
Professor and Assistant Department Head, Childhood Education & Family Studies, Missouri State University, Missouri, United States

Keri Franklin
Professor of English; Project Director, Computer Science Opportunities, Development & Education in Rural Schools, Reynolds College of Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities, Missouri State University, Missouri, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Considering Digital Pedagogies


CODING, STEAM, MATH, Writing, Digital Practices