Use of Digital Tools in Higher Education: Creating an Online Index of Theatrical Reviews


Theater criticism holds an important place in theater studies, especially as a tool for studying theater history and reception - it is one of the three main branches of theatrology along with theater history and theory. This study presents the cataloguing, digitization and interpretive study of a body of theater reviews published in Greek literary journals in the years 1900-1950. In this context and with the aim of linking research with new technologies, we created a searchable electronic database, comprising a complete index of theater criticism published in Greek journals in the years 1900-1950, which offers users access to the full reviews, allowing them to search from a predefined list of fields, thus contributing to the modern needs of the information society and constituting a valuable and modern study tool for the educational and research community.


Aliki Antonopoulou
Student, PhD Candidate, University of the Peloponnese, Argolis, Greece

Evagelia Spyropoulou
School Director, Gymnasium, Argolis, Greece

Barbara Georgopoulou
Associate Professor, Theatrical Studies in Nafplio, University of the Peloponnese, Argolis, Greece

Zoe Ververopoulou
Assistant Professor, School of Journalism & Mass Communications, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies


Education, New Technologies, Theater, Criticism, Index, Database, Website