Literacies Education in Brazilian Political and Pandemic Current Hard Times


Aiming to expand educational possibilities in the country, studies, practices, and field investigations all based on literacies education - multiliteracies, new literacies, and critical literacies – have been designed for research in schools and universities in different Brazilian regions by a nation-wide Project on Literacies. Such studies have shown great affinity with the Freirean premises of critical education, agency and citizenship in Brazil. Acknowledgedly, they have brought fresh air in the revision of education and pedagogies that entail equity issues. However, the advent of the pandemic - besides the hard political times – in Brazil has brought new challenges for teaching/learning approaches whose proposals seem to conflict with the conventionalities of print society education. This colloquium considers the proposals in terms of their potential gains and losses for awareness enhancement and social-educational equity in Brazil, mainly on online/remote learning. It thus analyses the outcomes of practices as field investigations, as a way to share and debate perspectives with colleagues from different cultural contexts/environments.


Clarissa Jordão
Professor, Letras, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil

Leina Jucá
Professor, School of Languages and Linguistics, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Simone Batista

Laudo Natel Nascimento
Professor, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil

Luciana Ferrari

Daniel Ferraz
Professor, Department of Modern Languages, University of São Paulo

Walkyria Monte Mór
Associate Professor, Department of Modern Languages, University of São Paulo, Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil

Ana Karina de Oliveira Nascimento
Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil


Presentation Type



Designing Social Transformations


Literacies Education In Brazil, Pandemic And Online Learning, Equity Issues