Learning from the Living Room: Strengthening Families Program For Parents and Youth 10-14 During COVID-19


Family life worldwide has dramatically changed during the pandemic. As families are the most important proximal influence on the health and well-being of children and youth, the stress of changing family structures and interactions has the potential of profoundly influencing the behavioral choices that youth make, specifically, as to whether to use substances or engage in risky behaviors. Family-based prevention interventions have demonstrated effectiveness with a strong level of evidence to address substance use in the family by teaching parenting skills to raise resilient youth. Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 adapted to the needs of families during COVID-19 by using best practices to deliver a traditionally face-to-face program virtually. Offering families a COVID-19 protective approach to strengthen communication, deal with stress, build upon family strengths, and seek resources when needed will be critical for several years as families recover from the global pandemic. Key take-aways for participants will be how to use best practices to engage families through online platforms; the importance of family life educators in reaching parents, acknowledging the circumstances surrounding the pandemic, and providing the necessary parenting skills; and new skills and practices to help families face the challenges brought on by pandemic.


Cathy Hockaday
Human Sciences Specialist/Adjunct Assistant Professor, Human Sciences Extension and Outreach/Human Development and Family Studies, Iowa State University, Iowa, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2021 Special Focus - Transcending Social Distance: Emerging Practices in e-Learning


Virtual Implementation, Evidence Based Programs, Youth Development, Parent Education