Instructor Mentoring Scheme to Enhance Student Engagement in Online Classes


Adoption of online learning and the importance of student engagement have simultaneously become central in higher education settings across the world. Online learning affords flexibility and in the current global pandemic offers a safe alternative to on-campus learning. Student engagement has been demonstrated to increase learning and achievement and within an online environment student engagement is even more critical as there are fewer opportunities for student to student or student to teacher interactions. Classes and teaching practices designed to promote a dynamic learning environment that foster relationships and learning opportunities are therefore centrally important. This study investigated the degree to which a progressive and systematic mentoring scheme could be developed to support instructors to increase engagement within on-line classes. Engagement was defined as ‘the majority of students talking the majority of the time’. The findings identify that there are specific teaching practices that impede student engagement as well as strategies that promote excellent student engagement. The results highlight that student engagement can be scaffolded over the duration of the live class and that a range of engagement techniques are successful in improving class engagement irrespective of whether the academic was new to teaching or an experienced instructor. Promoting reflective teaching practices and experimenting with engagement strategies also led to a significant increase in the time students contributed to class discussions, increased the frequency of student-to-student discussions, and decreased the reliance on instructor contributions. The findings have implications for how instructors facilitate online courses as well as how classes are designed.


Michelle Schilders
Senior Instructor, Psychiatry and Psychology, Monash University, Victoria, Australia

Eloise Perini
Assistant Coordinator, Graduate Diploma in Psychology, Psychological Sciences, Monash University, Victoria, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies


On-Line Teaching, Student Engagement, Higher Education, Mentoring, Learning