Online Practices in Academical Reading and Writing: Reflexions on an Online Tutoring Project


The coronavirus pandemic and the consequent interruption in teaching practices has challenged professors and students to conceive new forms of arranging their teaching relationship. At the University of São Paulo, a tutoring project for the teaching of academical reading and writing skills to students in humanities (named “Práticas de Leitura e Escrita Acadêmicas em Humanidades” - PLEA) has been in place since 2015, and also has had to adapt to the new circumstances. In this paper, we discuss the strategies adopted for putting in place an online tutoring project. Especially, we attempt to show how online tutoring can both be a very effective tool for the teaching and developing of certain competences and a technically functional way of rearranging the teacher-student relationship for the online environment. Thus, we believe that, more than a mere contingency plan for the current times, online tutoring can be effectively incorporated into future hybrid teaching practices and environments.


Guilherme Grané Diniz
Professor, Law, Escola Paulista de Direito, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Transcending Social Distance: Emerging Practices in e-Learning


Tutoring, Online Teaching, Reading and writing skills, Humanities teaching