Technology and Active Learning: Ways to Engage Students with Technology


In a traditional classroom, a teacher often presents information to their students on a whiteboard or chalkboard. In recent years, there has been a research-informed push to engage students in the learning process. This way of learning, often called “active learning” is also encouraged in a remote classroom. However, teaching and learning in a remote environment comes with a new set of challenges, but it also comes with a new set of opportunities. Join this session for an interactive discussion on how an online learning environment can foster and support an active classroom. We will use some generic examples to engage our audience and some problem-solving examples that are great for all teachers. Mathematics teachers may especially enjoy these activities.


Angie Hodge
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, Northern Arizona University, Arizona, United States

Cindy S York
Associate Professor, Educational Technology, Research and Assessment, Northern Illinois University, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2021 Special Focus - Transcending Social Distance: Emerging Practices in e-Learning


Active learning, Problem-solving, Mathematics, Pedagogy, Remote learning, Technology, Engaging