Alternative Assessment and Multimodal E-Learning


Using examples from several transdisciplinary classes taught in a Learning Management System (LMS), this paper discusses course content selection that promotes social justice and supports learner diversity, course requirement structure that emphasizes student-driven learning and collaborative learning, as well as alternative assessment of student learning outcomes that highlights multimodality and learner agency. In mapping out the social differences and (dis)advantages represented in class reading, this study examines how literary texts, picture books, graphic narratives, films, MTVs, and multimedia materials offer opportunities for productive asynchronized discussions on gender politics, racial politics, various forms of inequity, disability and illness, as well as imperialism and transnationalism in the online classroom. Discussing peer-to-peer learning, collaborative projects, and community engagement assignments, it studies how the blurred boundaries between formal and informal learning help meet the needs of the wide range of students. It also addresses how alternative assessment, instead of conventional writing assignments, shifts the balance of learner agency to encourage active and invested participation and learning and prepare students for their individual career paths. On the one hand, this paper addresses the importance of motivating students’ interest and engagement as well as structuring an interactive atmosphere in the online classroom that is accessible and inclusive. On the other hand, it examines the careful guidance needed in order to help students improve critical thinking, reading, and writing skills while acquiring multiliteracies through multimodal learning.


Lan Dong
Professor, English and Modern Languages, University of Illinois Springfield, Illinois, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies


Multimodality, Diversity, Student-Driven Learning, Online Teaching