Synchronous Student Engagement - Course Buddy Connection: Special Education and General Education Teacher Teamwork


Special Education and General Education teachers are partners in education. Designing concepts to teach and learn how to be better collaborative partners using the Course Buddy system has proven to be beneficial in engaging students in learning. Elevating synchronous student engagement through the Course Buddy connection improves critical thinking, interaction with other students and with the professor, active listening, insightful responses, and how to stimulate high commitment and high attention from students. Course Buddies work throughout the courses collaboratively, mirroring the expectations of their future school environment where they will be expected to work together for the benefit of students in need of a team of cooperative educators. Course Buddies break the stereotypical argument that two educational leader groups in special education and general education cannot work together collaboratively! Synchronous student engagement provides solutions rooted in active learning and formative assessment, connecting with learners of every age and ability. Learners work together in the shared Course Buddy experience by offering their buddy feedback on their work and finding examples in the curriculum to further develop ideas for scaffolding, thus enhancing the content of the class. The Course Buddy discussions are a required part of the course, thus adding validity to each individual contribution informally assessed by many, not just the course instructor. The flow of knowledge is unlimited allowing many deliveries through the e-learning Course Buddy experiences. What a better way to prepare for the teamwork needed on school campuses in twenty-first century classrooms between Special Education and General Education!


Marsha Swindler
Core Faculty, Education: Special Education, Pacific Oaks College, CA, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Designing Social Transformations


Online Learning, Teaching and Learning, Student Engagement, Special Education