Distance Learning in Medical Education during Covid-19 Quarantine: Preparation of Students at a Department of Surgery


This study considers distance learning of students in conditions that emerged from Covid-19 quarantine. The question of the use of this form of education in medical educational institutions remains controversial. On the one hand, the advantages of distance education are the possibility of teaching a large number of students at once, facilitating the educational process, in the case of teaching people with disabilities, adaptability - learning using modern software and hardware makes e-education more effective, also, usually, distance learning is cheaper than regular education. first of all, by reducing the cost of moving, living in another city, reducing the cost of organizing the courses themselves.Opponents of the use of distance education in medicine believe that mastering practical skills, which are the main component in training future medical workers, is impossible in this way. However, this study argues that the use of this form of education in medical schools is not only possible, but necessary. Naturally, training a doctor in practical skills requires traditional face-to-face contact, but all theoretical training and exercise in decision-making can take place remotely.


Volodymyr Sulyma
Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, State Organization "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy Ministry Health of Ukraine", Ukraine


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2021 Special Focus - Transcending Social Distance: Emerging Practices in e-Learning


Distance, Learning, Surgery, Students, Covid-19