Online University Based Retirement Communities: An Expanded Concept of University Based Retirement Communities for Inclusion


University Based Retirement Communities (UBRCs), where seniors head back into the classroom to pursue learning opportunities during retirement, is one of the fastest growing trends in the United States. Unfortunately, because of the significant fees associated with this lifestyle (e.g. entry fee, meals, activities and maintenance), most of the participants are wealthier than most. Most are also white. We explore this stratification through a self-reported interest instrument and delineate interest levels across diverse populations. We also examine possible solutions to increase inclusion by: 1) partnering with universities to create a Virtual University Based Retirement Community, where online participants can “piggyback” on existing infrastructure already in place; 2) propose through legislation a dedicated 529 for lifelong learning, designed specifically for use by seniors; and 3) propose modifications to VA related funding for veteran retiree populations.


Donna Duellberg
Program Manager, Voluntary Education, Career Investments Division, Coast Guard, District of Columbia, United States

Mary Ann Swendsen
Training Planner, U.S. Army / DEVCOM / AvMC, Department of the Defense, Hawaii, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designing Social Transformations


UBRC, VUBRC, Retirees