Transformational Pedagogy of Global Preparation : An eLearning Student Development Program for an Interconnected World


In our increasingly interdependent, globalized world, it is vital that our students are aware and conversant in issues of global concern, and have a heightened sense of consciousness regarding diverse cultures. This session introduces an interdisciplinary Global Participation Program designed for student social transformation through online learning. Our program strives to promote engaged knowledge and responsible action; and for our participants to become future leaders who are responsible global citizens, who can successfully navigate the complex interdependent society of the 21st century, and contribute to improving the common global welfare of our planet and its inhabitants. The Global Participation program helps shape our students into global citizens through the introduction and practice of: Transformational Empathy, Active listening, Intercultural Communication, and Global Citizenship Awareness. This training is consistent with preparation programs for international participation in the Global Diversity Learning High Impact Practice (GDL) and has been a catalyst for: transformative learning, engagement of ideas, understanding issues from multiple perspectives, developing cross-cultural communication and problem-solving skills, promoting peace and understanding of all people and cultures, as well as augmented academic success and personal growth amongst our participants. The Global Participation program can be applied to international study abroad preparation programs, whether on site or online. The session will include an extensive breakdown of the program components, an interactive video session, participant discussion, and a question and answer forum.


Tony Monahan
Associate Professor, HPED - Health, Physical Education and Dance, Queensborough Community College, CUNY, New York, United States

Lampeto Efthymiou
Student Life International Student Manager, Center for International Affairs, Immigration and Study Abroad, Queensborough Community College, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2021 Special Focus - Transcending Social Distance: Emerging Practices in e-Learning


Elearning, Global Citizenship, Developmental Empathy, Intercultural Communication, Active Listening