Integration or Separation?: An Exploratory Study of the Measures to Regulate the Smartphone Presence in Companies


Today’s change in the workplace is strongly influenced by digital information and communication technologies. In addition to the advantages of flexibility, current studies show that occupational smartphone use is often at the expense of mental well-being and recovery. For some years, companies have therefore been practicing various preventive approaches to protect their employees from any negative effects. However, so far, no measure has been sufficiently tested, and little is known about the underlying mechanisms, causes and strategies in dealing with the smartphone. Based on 12 interviews, this qualitative study describes the advantages and disadvantages of occupational smartphone use from the employee’s point of view. These are on the one hand the opportunities of flexible work design and an increased social bond with colleagues, but on the other hand, the negative effects on the work-life balance, increased stress levels and the risk of smartphone addiction. Employees differ in their preference for technical integration or separation and their strategies for using the smartphone. Smartphone use and availability are described by the employees as psychologically demanding, especially when their own principles and the personal need for autonomy and freedom of discretion are not taken into account because internal or external circumstances prevent this. For the first time, empirical findings on possible strategies for action and implementation are provided to improve the professional use of smartphones from an employee perspective. Further studies might consider a differentiated view of the risks and implications of availability expectations, blurring boundaries between work and private life and interruptions.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Smartphone use, Technical integration, Availability, Blurring boundaries, Interruptions, Well-being