Crossing Discourses: The Portuguese Newspaper Público’s Perspective on the Latest Brazilian Presidential Election


The Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, began on January 1st, 2019 after a turmoiled and stressful political process that led to his election. International media coverage on his victory stressed more than once the radical position of Bolsonaro, introduced as a representative of the far-right with all the related implications. Público, a Portuguese mainstream newspaper, wasn’t an exception. In the paper, different representations of Bolsonaro – constructed throughout the news on his first official day in the presidency – are identified and analysed. Bolsonaro’s difficult relationship with the media, swinging from strong criticism to censorship attempts, is also highlighted and counterweighted with the rise of populist discourses. The theoretical and methodological framework relies on critical discourse analysis fed by Culture and Identity Studies, Theories of Nationalism and Media Studies.


Silvia Frota


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Media Cultures


Representation, Power, Brazilian Politics, Brazilian Election, Portuguese Media