A Magazine "on" Your Smart Fridge: An Approach to a Value Chain for Publishing Houses in the "Internet of Things"


In recent years, the “Internet of Things” (IOT) has gained enormously in importance in various industries – whether warehouses with transport robots, agricultural vehicles with extensive sensor technology and data processin,g or intelligent everyday objects. One sector that has not yet concentrated on the IOT are publishing houses. On the bright side, they already own the essential component of their potential IOT product: high-quality content. However, publishers need technical know-how to present their product in the IOT: Possible partners could be manufacturers of intelligent everyday objects such as refrigerators, stoves or “smart tables“. The “X-model” by Tzouvaras, Schumann, and Hess shows that cross-media multiple use of media content represents the performance core within the value chain of publishers. With the IOT, this model is suitable for publishers to reuse their existing content with intelligent everyday objects as playout channels. The model serves as an analytical-ideal-scientific approach. The “X-model” aims at successfully introducing the distribution of rights and products. Partnerships with manufacturers of intelligent everyday objects offer great potential to profitably introduce the new technologies of the IOT into a publisher’s value chain. The manufacturers are the technological experts, the publishers can concentrate on the content – a win-win situation! The “X model” can be used to identify opportunities for publishers in the IOT to tap new sales potential within the value chain. In addition, it becomes clear that the “X-Model” must be expanded in order to create a competitive value chain for publishers in the IOT.


Valerie Thiele


Presentation Type

Online Lightning Talk


Media Business


Internet Of Things, Smart Objects, Media Management, Value Chain