Reporting Conflict in the Middle East: A Visual and Editorial Analysis of English versus Arabic News Channels


The Arab Region suffers from a state of unrest in many of its countries nowadays. In one week, there were church bombings in Egypt, chemical attacks in Syria, continued fighting in Iraq between the international alliance supporting the Iraqi troops and the Islamic State (IS) militants to restore the city of El Mosul, and for the first-time disagreements break between Golf countries. This paper analyzes the editorial and visual frames used to report three of the most significant events that took place in the area in regional and international news channels in both Arabic and English. The events being analyzed are the Palm Sunday church bombing in Egypt, boycotting in Qatar, and the Syrian chemical attacks on civilians. All available Arabic and English reports from international and regional news channels on Youtube concerning these incidents and its consequences are being analyzed. The researcher is interested in investigating how the different ideologies of these channels affect their reports about conflict situations in the Middle East.


Sarah El Mokadem


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


"Conflict Frames", " Middle East", " Visual Frames"