Urbanisation and the Effect on Local Food Environments - Retrospective Study of Two Older Suburbs in Pretoria (City of Tshwane Region 3): Population Growth and the Global Food Supply


Recent studies highlight the challenges urban areas face in establishing sustainable, equitable food systems, despite their economic opportunities. South Africa’s rapid urbanisation over the last 40 years, particularly from rural to urban migration in search of better lives, often leads to restricted food choices and a nutrition transition. This global phenomenon is marked by shifts in dietary patterns and activity levels, deteriorating nutritional and health status. In SA, two urban areas (Trevenna & Sunnyside, City of Tshwane region 3) due to their historical significance, offered insights into the evolving food environment (1980 - 2024) and its impact on community sustainability. A retrospective analysis, including geoplotting, reveal a disconnect between the current food environment and resident needs, highlighting issues of food insecurity due to social, economic, and political pressures. This misalignment suggests that the City of Tshwane region 3 fails to meet sustainable equitable food environment criteria. These findings could inform policy and intervention strategies to foster healthier food environments in South Africa and other developing countries.


Gerrie Elizabeth du Rand
Associate Professor, Consumer and Food Sciences, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Nadene Marx-Pienaar
University of Pretoria

Hennie Fisher
Senior Lecturer, Department of Consumer and Food Sciences, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Nutrition, and Health


Food Systems; Urbanisation; Nutrition Transition; Food Insecurity