Understanding Consumers' Food Choice Practices and Willingness to Consume "Up-cycled" Products: An Attempt to Close the South African Food Waste Loop


Global estimates suggest that one-third to half of all food produced is lost or wasted at various stages of the food value chain. International trends suggest that food wastage moves up the supply chain, from pre-to post-consumer stages, as a country’s development level increases. Therefore, South Africa, as an emerging economy, may see similar trends in food waste over time. Recent figures estimate SA food waste at R61.5 billion per annum. With FAO reports underscoring the food insecurity of many SA households, addressing food wastage in SA has become significant. Whilst waste composition studies confirm that we need to address and prevent the vast amounts of wasted food, recent emphasis is shifting towards considering possible opportunities for food waste to be re-engineered back into cycle via “Up-cycling”. With this being said, although upcycling is gaining traction in terms of global interest, presenting it as a possible solution that might close the food waste loop is not a simple task. To validate the idea of upcycling, this study sought information regarding the characteristics of actual foods wasted, possible techniques to valourise them, and consumers’ interest and possible reactions towards up-cycled products. Initial results revealed that given the unconventionality of these products, many SA consumers seemed hesitant to engage due to concerns about quality and safety, i.e. heightened risk perception. Some uncovered positives include that consumers were more eager to buy and consume products made from fruit and vegetable waste which was also the commodities mostly wasted in SA.


Nadene Marx Pienaar
Lecturer, Consumer and Food Sciences, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Gerrie Elizabeth du Rand
Associate Professor, Consumer and Food Sciences, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Hennie Fisher
Senior Lecturer, Department of Consumer and Food Sciences, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Hanri Taljaard Swart
Lecturer, Consumer and Food Sciences, University of Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food Production and Sustainability


Food waste, Up-cycling, Sustainable food production, Sustainability, Climate change