Local Commensality: An Appalachian Community Meal Inspired by the Collaboration of an Artist, a Physicist, and a Restaurant Owner


Through the lens of an artist, a physicist, and a restaurant owner, our project attempts to discover a deeper understanding of how the simple act of a shared meal can be transformative and sustainable both mentally and physically. The artist, Lisa Stinson, instructed the course “Community: Objects for the Table” at Appalachian State University. The course explored the interactive space and the culture of ‘the table’ through commensality and the handmade object. Students learned new skills and processes and worked across mediums in an immersive design, making, and interactive installation experience. Each group developed prototypes, learned new production techniques to create one-of-a-kind handmade objects. These functional objects provide an interactive way to connect the user to the maker. The physicist, Professor Carla Ramsdell, introduced students to the life-cycle analysis of the food choices for the meal, explicitly identifying the equivalent kilograms of carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions in the various food choices.  The restaurant owner, Tina Houston, provided the structure and groundwork to create and deliver a host site for a five-course meal. The collaboration culminated with two vibrant community meals for sixty people.    We discovered that small acts could have a ripple effect to empower people and impact wider, more meaningful change that improves human and environmental health and wellbeing. The hope is to continue this collaboration that crosses university silos and creates a public-private partnership to find new and effective ways to use the community table as an entry point for education and activism about sustainable food communities.


Carla Ramsdell
Practitioner in Residence, Physics and Astronomy, Appalachian State University, North Carolina, United States

Tina Houston
Owner Chef, The Beacon Butcher Bar, United States

Lisa Stinson
Student, Master of Fine Arts, Appalachian State University, North Carolina, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Local Food, Art, Science, Restaurant Owner, Appalachian, Community Meal, Collaboration