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Vladislav Ronzhin, Student, Doctorate, Universidad de Granada, Spain

Mastering the Time Dimension: Integrated Framework for the Bubble of Now - "The Present Moment" View Digital Media

Innovation Showcase
Susheel Kamotra  

In Light of Vedic Science, the GURU aspect makes us understand the mysteries in the science surrounding the Black Holes, White Holes phenomenon in the Universe. It explains the 'Space-Time Bubble of Now,' the 'Entanglement of the Quantum,' the 'Elements of Physical Reality' phenomenon (Information stored in the entangled particle Soul per causality, karma theory) and vice versa. The "Self-Realised Professional mezbahnSRP" program proposes an integrated framework for two remarkable theories in science, the theory of General Relativity and the Quantum Mechanics of our bodily system, with thought experiments. I consider the consistency with the ancient wisdom knowledge in various cultures, mainly the works of rishis from ancient Bharatvarsha. The philosophies of Yugas at the quantum level help us understand how to transcend the Time dimension stepping back with ancient Knowledge as per Hinduism and manifestation of Panchbhootas, the five elements in nature as a Mind and Matter form in the holarchy system. It explains the purpose of the Black Holes in Space. Black Holes are the correction tools in space to get rid of disorder and restore the Universe's symmetry. Beyond science lies, Ethics, Truthfulness, and Reverence, together form Love at the Heart of Creation. When we are ethical, our awareness is clear, distinct like the behaviour of light as particles. We experience dual nature under unethical states, an unpredictable state-like wave pattern (probabilities). The realisation of this makes us champions, fearless and successful leaders like Garuda, the eagle and it makes us free.

GodLight: Intersections between Science and Spirituality View Digital Media

Innovation Showcase
Robert Barthelemy  

Five years of research on the intersections of Science and Spirituality has yielded a common theme, Light. Hundreds of investigations of potential commonalities have indicate that light is the foundational element of science as well as of most religions. Cosmology, Astrophysics, Newtonian Physics, Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics are all based on light and its physics. Similarly, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and many Eastern Religions point to Light as the power and pathway to God. By examining each domain in significant detail, the commonality of Light is further supported and possibilities and opportunities are presented.

Navigating Self-spirituality through Movement : An Exploration of Yoga as an Approach for Inner and Outer Peace View Digital Media

Innovation Showcase
Sarah Green  

Individuals have the tendency to become more spiritual and peaceful beings by practicing yoga. The objective of this study is to determine how yoga can transform an individual’s sense of self to such an extent that it promotes inner and outer peace; to create a more peaceful global humanity – a humanity of peacemakers. This can relate to wider societal perspectives that could view yoga as a ‘way of life’ to encourage peaceful and transformative lifeworld practices, as well as adding to theoretical understandings of the role of spirituality in society. This research adds to a humanistic understanding of spirituality by exploring the notion of self-spirituality through active-doing, as a way to promote world peace. Mixed research methods were implemented. Experiential learning through yoga participation, supported by the completion of a questionnaire was then analysed thematically and statistically. This highlighted that yoga deepens an individual’s connection to themself and their spirituality; their inner peace, promoting a calm outlook that transcends to other aspects of their life; their outer peace. It did not however explore different styles of yoga in order to determine whether one style is more effective than the other. The conclusions highlight that yoga creates inner peace by reducing stress and inner turmoil, so that individuals can become more peaceful and spiritual beings who gravitate towards reconciliation and away from conflict. Further research could determine whether yoga can be beneficial in conflict situations, to transform violent behaviours and to promote non-violent conflict resolution.

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