Navigating Self-spirituality through Movement : An Exploration of Yoga as an Approach for Inner and Outer Peace


Individuals have the tendency to become more spiritual and peaceful beings by practicing yoga. The objective of this study is to determine how yoga can transform an individual’s sense of self to such an extent that it promotes inner and outer peace; to create a more peaceful global humanity – a humanity of peacemakers. This can relate to wider societal perspectives that could view yoga as a ‘way of life’ to encourage peaceful and transformative lifeworld practices, as well as adding to theoretical understandings of the role of spirituality in society. This research adds to a humanistic understanding of spirituality by exploring the notion of self-spirituality through active-doing, as a way to promote world peace. Mixed research methods were implemented. Experiential learning through yoga participation, supported by the completion of a questionnaire was then analysed thematically and statistically. This highlighted that yoga deepens an individual’s connection to themself and their spirituality; their inner peace, promoting a calm outlook that transcends to other aspects of their life; their outer peace. It did not however explore different styles of yoga in order to determine whether one style is more effective than the other. The conclusions highlight that yoga creates inner peace by reducing stress and inner turmoil, so that individuals can become more peaceful and spiritual beings who gravitate towards reconciliation and away from conflict. Further research could determine whether yoga can be beneficial in conflict situations, to transform violent behaviours and to promote non-violent conflict resolution.


Sarah Green
Director, Consultancy and Research , Dr Sarah Green Consultancy and Research , United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Religious Community and Socialization


Spirituality, Movement, Peace, Lifeworld Practices