Complex Considerations

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Vineet Gairola, Student, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Soodeh Mansouri, Student, Graduate, University of California - Santa Barbara, United States

Featured Navigating the Complex Terrain of Freedom of Religion or Belief in China: An In-depth Assessment View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Charles Ho Wang Mak  

Freedom of Religion or Belief (‘FORB’) represents a cornerstone of human rights, as acknowledged in international legal instruments. However, its practical implementation displays wide variation globally, owing to distinctive historical, political, and cultural contexts. This paper presents a critical exploration of FORB within China, a particularly intriguing instance due to its multifaceted religious landscape and its intricate interaction with religion. While Western dialogue often highlights reports of religious persecution within China, the actual situation yields a more sophisticated narrative. Despite significant constraints, there exist spaces of relative liberty and tolerance. This paper employs a nuanced model of religious accommodation to deliver a comprehensive, balanced perspective on FORB within the Chinese setting. The paper first scrutinises China's constitutional and legal framework concerning religion before proceeding to a series of case studies that offer empirical evidence about the state of FORB across diverse religious communities. By evaluating the relationship between religious freedom, individual autonomy, and societal welfare, the paper elucidates the unique challenges and opportunities related to FORB in China. The paper concludes with an assessment of the primary obstacles and potential strategies for FORB in China, including policy suggestions. This contribution seeks to augment the dialogue surrounding the convergence of law, religion, and society within the Chinese context. It is anticipated that this exploration will not only enhance understanding of FORB in China but also catalyse further discussion in this crucial field of study.

Unraveling Communalism in Manipur: The Significance of a Thomas Christian Perspective in Assessing Religious Conflicts and Economic Inequalities View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Clara A.B. Joseph  

This paper explores journalist Anto Akkara’s findings on the politics of Religion in India, with a focus on his reports from Manipur. As a Thomas Christian, Akkara belongs to a community of precolonial Christians in India, which brings a unique perspective to his analysis. The paper highlights the significance of Akkara’s perspective in understanding religious conflicts in Manipur as it pertains to the recent violence between the Meitei community and the Kuki tribe. The European Parliament’s resolution, passed on July 11, 2023, condemning the violence in Manipur and advocating for restraint and mediation among religious communities, sets the backdrop for this study. Akkara’s reports reveal alarming instances, such as the destruction of 247 churches within 36 hours during the recent violence in Manipur. The paper critically examines the implications of reporting communalism, an ideology based on religious identities leading to tensions and conflicts among religious communities. It argues that framing the issue solely as communalism or tribalism obscures underlying long-term economic inequalities and human rights issues in the region. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of Akkara’s reports, giving insight into the complexities of religious conflicts in Manipur. Moreover, it evaluates the European Parliament’s resolution and proposes alternative approaches to address the conflicts more effectively. Overall, this paper underscores the significance of Akkara’s Thomas Christian background in shedding light on the intricacies of religious conflicts and emphasizes the importance of considering broader socio-economic and human rights perspectives for a nuanced understanding and resolution of the challenges faced in Manipur.

The Way and the Ladder: Two Models of Spirituality and Their Philosophical Background View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Daniel Sorin Farcas  

This paper investigates the Christian spiritual imaginary as represented by two different symbols: the way and the ladder. They define spirituality either as a journey, as in John Bunyan’s "Pilgrim’s Progress", or as a ladder, as in John Climacus’ "Ladder of the Divine Ascent". These two writings are just two of the various religious artworks and writings which deal with the two symbols of spiritual life. There are two major aspects that need clarification in this regard: Is there a confessional predilection for one or another imaginary? What is the philosophical foundation of the vertical and horizontal imaginary approach to spirituality?

A Reflection on Leadership and Authority in the Institutions of Belief: A Study through Religious and Political Institutions View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Marguerite El Asmar Bou Aoun  

The central theme of the text is to illustrate the impact of the crisis of authority and belief on leadership and society, particularly within political and religious institutions. The text explores definitions of leadership and authority, highlighting that manipulation becomes more prevalent when individuals are inclined to unquestioningly believe. It also emphasizes the challenges faced by religious and political authority and the subsequent implications for leadership. In history and contemporary societies, successful leadership often hinges on the transcendental authority of the leader. Today's globalized, digitized world challenges traditional leadership paradigms, prompting a reevaluation of influence dynamics. The erosion of authority and increasing complexity in management systems have blurred representation structures in political and religious realms. This crisis of belief results in a loss of faith, rendering commitment futile. The quest for authority, coupled with the manipulation of followers' intentions, exacerbates leadership challenges, particularly evident in the Middle East.

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