The Way and the Ladder: Two Models of Spirituality and Their Philosophical Background


This paper investigates the Christian spiritual imaginary as represented by two different symbols: the way and the ladder. They define spirituality either as a journey, as in John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”, or as a ladder, as in John Climacus’ “Ladder of the Divine Ascent”. These two writings are just two of the various religious artworks and writings which deal with the two symbols of spiritual life. There are two major aspects that need clarification in this regard: Is there a confessional predilection for one or another imaginary? What is the philosophical foundation of the vertical and horizontal imaginary approach to spirituality?


Daniel Sorin Farcas
Research and Development Director, Institutul Evanghelic de Studii Religioase, Romania


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Spirituality, Philosophy, Symbols,Way, Ladder, Christianity