The Effect of The New Logo on People's Brand Awareness and Perception of Quality of Indonesia's Ministry of State-owned Enterprises


In Indonesia there are as many as 722 State-owned Enterprises (SOE) which are managed under Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (Kementerian BUMN). The SOEs, which numbers 114 parent companies and 658 subsidiaries affect the lives of many Indonesians and has a very strategic value for the government, and the people. On July 1st, 2020, the Ministry launched a new logo. The logo was aimed to reflect the country’s identity, as well as the institution’s spirits of innovation, and collaboration. This research investigates whether the new logo affects the Brand Awareness and Perception of Quality of the Ministry among Indonesians. For this research, two groups of respondents were formed. They were given questionnaire using a six-point Likert scale with 1 for “Strongly Disagree” to 6 for “Strongly Agree”. People from the first group were shown and asked about their opinion of the logo and the Ministry in regard of the criteria: Nationalism, Innovation, and Cooperation. The second group of people were asked about their opinion of the Ministry in relation to those without being shown and asked about their opinion of the new logo. Both groups’ answers were then analyzed and compared, and the results from the first group were also analyzed using Linear Regression to determine the influence of the new logo on the people’s opinion about the ministry. The results show that the people from the first group did give slightly higher scores in answers to questions about the Ministry, compared to people from the second group.


Mochammad Koentjoro
Lecturer / Teacher, Program Studi Desain Komuniksi Visual / Fakultas Seni dan Desain, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Banten, Indonesia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Intangibles and Tangible Value


New Logo, Ministry Of State-Owned Enterprises, Brand Awareness, Perception