Cultivating Relational Connections in Online Teams: An Application of Communication Practice to Professional Relational Development


The recent health crisis of COVID 19 and resulting quarantine forced people to transition life and work from brick and mortar places into online spaces supported by remote connections. Dramatic changes in the way we connected with others rippled through our schools, workplaces, and hangout spaces, and pushed many to consider how to maintain their important relationships at a safe social distance. Interpersonal relationships create an influential dynamic for individuals and teams in organizations, and cultivating these important connections is essential to accomplish key organizational outcomes. These meaningful and supportive relationships require intention, personal investment, and communication, and remote work and online teams create a unique context for the development of professional relationships. The focus of this paper is to explore how organizational members can create a relational space in the online environment and to identify useful communication strategies that can cultivate, maintain, and strengthen relationships between leaders and members of online teams.


Joy York
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, Whitworth University, Washington, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Virtual Teams, Relationships, Communication, Leadership, Organizations