2020 Vision - Post-pandemic Workforce Trends: Exploring New Trends in the Workplace and Within the Workforce


It has been said ad nauseam with the new year and COVID-19 pandemic, but seeing with 2020 vision is truly a good thing. Workforce and workplace trends that we thought were talking points of the future are now our reality. What is trained, how it is trained, and how we treat our workforce is paramount to this new narrative. To be relevant and competitive for the next decade, directors of leadership development need to embrace this transformation. In this session, you will uncover the top three trends of our new organizational reality. As we begin to emerge from forced remote work situations and try to pick up the pieces of the decimated “gig worker”, you will be given the tools to develop a vocabulary to unite a remote and flexible workforce. Leadership development cultivates the human capital of an organization - you will interact with others in this session with exercises, helping to create a clear vision for ongoing success during your organizational transformation.


Dianne Durkin
President & Founder, Loyalty Factor, New Hampshire, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Organizations as Knowledge Makers


Flexibility, Culture Change, Workforce, Leadership Development, New Workplace Trends