Cultural Heritage in Urban Micro-economies of Ahmedabad


Through the discourses of conservation of cultural heritage, the living heritage approach highlights the need for reclamation of local community members in managing heritage sites, through shared consensus of local and institutional knowledge systems, which govern cultural values and ongoing livelihood practices at the grass-root levels/on the ground. This paper examines the applicability of the living heritage approach (as per ICCROM) in the case of Rani No Hajiro to build an efficient and incentive-driven approach towards inclusive and participatory built heritage management. To pursue such an analysis we have considered literature reviews such as Throsby, Polanyi, and contingent valuation for assessment and valuation of cultural services. Based on such an analysis, we propose the cultural value created and heightened through interactions between core and peripheral communities in heritage contexts can translate into mutually beneficial management frameworks that facilitate cultural consumption on one hand and sustained economic redistribution of profits on another.


Kritagya Dhanda
Graduate Student, Economics, University of Windsor


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Living heritage approach, Mutually beneficial