Awareness and Innovation: How to Unleash the Innovation Potential of Individuals and Organisations


There is no doubt that the world we live in today is the outcome of a long stream of innovations which started with the first humans. However, the speed at which our world is changing today is unlike any other. In only the last fifty years of our history, the impact of innovation has been nothing short than radical. Unfortunately, in parallel with the remarkable improvements in our lives, many modern innovations have also created new types of challenges for humankind. Even worst, more and more signs are suggesting that challenges are growing faster than our ability to innovate. From anecdotal evidence, it seems like even the forerunners of innovation are struggling to keep up with the speed of change in the world. It is clear then that we must innovate innovation itself. From where should we start? All insights point to culture and mindset as the areas where all organizations should invest to unlock new levels of innovation; in short, shifting the focus from doing innovation to being innovators. How does one go from “doing” innovation (processes and outcomes) to “being” innovators? We believe that only by raising the individual and collective awareness through a process of subtraction, we can create the “space” to unleash new waves of innovation. Sourcing from the wisdom of ancient Veda sages, and combining with the best of modern scientific thinking, we lay down a simple and holistic map to awaken and align all human intelligences driving individual and collective innovation potential.


Fabio Salvadori
Coach, Fabio Salvadori, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Innovation, Culture, Mindset