What Might a "Happiness Ecosystem" Mean to a Business?: Insights into the Evolution of the "Golden Finance" Model


Almost all businesses want happier employees, yet multiple companies fail to value employee happiness. A model I’ll investigate in this paper - “Golden Finance” - has problems with employee happiness: high leave rates, poor employee engagement, and significant turnover gaps between its main business and auxiliary businesses. This project holds that there is a “Happiness Ecosystem” between the company, the employee, and the customer. To settle the afore-mentioned problems, “Golden Finance” needs to give top priority to the wellbeing of its employees to get more job happiness and customer satisfaction. Studies have shown that companies with happy employees outperform the competition by 20%; happy employees are 12% more productive, for they care more about the organization and have a stronger desire to help it achieve greater success. In the “Golden Finance” case, it shall solve its problems by delivering more happiness to its employees. After all, employee happiness is critical in the “Happiness Ecosystem” as happiness at work is real happiness for all.


Yiran Zheng
Student, Master of Arts, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Employee Happiness, Golden Finance, Happiness Ecosystem, Main Business, Auxiliary Businesses