Strong Kaupapa (Purpose) and Clear Missions: The Fundamental Seeds of Cultural and Human Change


Organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand are feeling the squeeze for talent. As our economy continues to grow, and the unemployment rate hovers at just 4%, the ability to attract and retain skilled, digitally-fit people will become a defining advantage. In this session, Kerry Topp will show how leaders who create a strong kaupapa (purpose) and clear missions sow the fundamental seeds of cultural and human change. Kerry will show how leaders can build collaborative advantage through a sowing a deep sense of kaupapa, and delivering clear missions of impact. This is a practical session–full of tips, things to watch for as well as insights.


Kerry Topp
Founder | Chief [Re]Generator , The Kerry Topp Collective , New Zealand


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Knowledge Economies as the Constant


Culture, Cultural Change, Collaboration, Purpose, Mission, How-to, Insight, Systems Change