Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion Using Children’s Literature


Teachers must examine their personal biases and past experiences to ensure they do not interfere with their ability to demonstrate to students they are valued as individuals and that their diversity should be embraced. In doing so, students will be better able to appreciate and accept others of different abilities, races, cultures, religions, and so forth if they are given the opportunity to engage in literacy activities that promote these differences. Furthermore, as teachers create safe and collaborative learning environments to foster inclusive classrooms, students will be better equipped to work with others who have different perspectives. This study focuses on how critical consciousness of self, environment, and the classroom curriculum cultivate an inclusive education.


Paula Saine
John Heckert Endowed Faculty of Literacy/Professor, Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry, Miami University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Early Childhood Learning


Critical Consciousness, Diversity, Inclusion, Literacy Engagement, Curriculum, Early Childhood