Thirty-First International Conference on Learning

July 10 - 12, 2024

Utrecht University
Utrecht, Netherlands


Welcome to the micro-site for the Thirty-First International Conference on Learning.


Founded in 2011, The Learner Research Network is brought together around a common concern for learning in all its sites, formal and informal, and at all levels, from early childhood to schools, colleges and universities, and adult, community and workplace education. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network, we are defined by our scope and concerns and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared themes and tensions.

The Thirty-First International Conference on Learning calls for research addressing the following annual themes and special focus:

  • 2024 Special Focus—The Converging Challenges for Inclusive Education: Intercultural Competences and Digital Literacies in Global Contexts
  • Theme 1: Pedagogy and Curriculum 

  • Theme 2: Assessment and Evaluation

  • Theme 3: Educational and Organization and Leadership 

  • Theme 4: Early Childhood Learning

  • Theme 5: Learning in Higher Education 

  • Theme 6: Adult, Community, and Professional Learning

  • Theme 7: Learner Diversity and Identities

  • Theme 8: Technologies in Learning

  • Theme 9: Literacies Learning

  • Theme 10: Science, Mathematics, and Technology Learning


We are interested in the following lines of investigation:   


  • Exploring the processes of designing and implementing learning experiences, including decisions regarding content (curriculum) and strategies for instruction (pedagogy).

  • Investigates the processes of specifying educational outcomes and designing methods for measuring student learning, evaluating the effectiveness of educational interventions, or assessing the impact of educational programs on learners, teachers, institutions, and society.

  • Inquires into the organization of formal systems of education and their impact on the teaching and learning process. Examines issues of professionalism in education and the roles of administrators and governing bodies on the educational institution and environment.

  • Investigations of learning and development in the first seven years of life, and the impact of formal, family, and socio-cultural influences on early learning.

  • Studies of tertiary or postsecondary education: institutional concerns (admissions, funding, scope, and quality of educational offerings); instructional strategies and effectiveness with tertiary learners; the postsecondary learning environment. Also includes teacher education programs: their place in the university, how to prepare today’s pre-service teachers for tomorrow’s schools; issues of requirements, licensure, balancing theoretical and applied learning.

  • Explores adult learning in a variety of contexts, from adult basic education to workplace training and professional learning. Includes in-service and professional development for teachers.

  • Focuses on recognizing and responding to individual diversity in learners and on the dynamics of teaching and learning in diverse communities and classrooms. Considers issues of learners’ identities and inter-relationships among students, as well as strategies for promoting social justice, multicultural understanding, and tolerance.

  • Explores the role of technologies in learning, and processes of learning about and through technologies.

  • Inquiries into the processes of learning to read, write, and communicate using new media and multimodal literacies.

  • Studies of best practices in teaching and learning science, mathematics, and technology.


The Thirty-First International Conference on Learning also supports a book imprint and a collection of journals.