Digital Art as Pedagogy: Exploring the Potential of Digital Art Making to Deepen Understandings of Social Justice in an Online University Course


My study looks at the potential role digital art making may have in deepening student learning on issues of social justice in online university courses. My students created digital collages that visualized a social justice issue as an assignment for an online university course called Social Justice Issues in Education. The assignment gave students an opportunity to critically analyze concepts learned in the course as they applied their understandings of social justice to a digital work of art they created. Delivering course content that is framed through an equity lens has increasingly become important at Canadian universities. A literature review reveals a gap in studies that look at how digital art making can be leveraged to explore social justice themes in university courses. Drawing from critical arts pedagogy, an educational approach that looks at how art and artistic practices develop critical consciousness, I discuss my findings from a study that explores the pedagogical possibilities digital art making offers when learning about social justice issues in an online university course.


Anna Augusto Rodrigues
Academic Associate, Faculty of Education, Ontario Tech University, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Critical Arts Pedagogy, Social Justice, Online Learning