The Proposal of a Model of Support for Teachers and Parents of a Child Mechanically Ventilated at Home


More and more children are being diagnosed with a chronic disease (CD) and are dependent on medical equipment, including mechanical ventilation, in their daily functioning. This group will continue to grow with time. The time spent in hospital is a period when certain life-saving medical procedures for children are applied, and often it is connected with medical trauma. Hence the child’s return home environment and then to school is extremely important in the process of stabilisation and convalescence. The role of a child that he/she is performing is not only psychological, but also of social importance. This is all the more important as the treatment process can often change the child’s appearance, reduce the child’s physical readiness to undertake various activities connected with the role of a pupil and contribute to the emergence of emotional problems. This results in existence of individual educational and communication needs that often modify the methods and forms of work with the child. The situation of the child is therefore complex and requires individualisation of the educational process. Hence the atmosphere in the school, the rules for dealing with a pupil with a CD, the competence of teachers, but also particular educational acts are important in the child’s educational process and can create a conducive environment for the development of the child and support his/her recovery. The aim of the speech is to present a model of support for teachers and parents in working with a child mechanically ventilated.


Agnieszka Kamyk-Wawryszuk
Assistant Professor, Department of Special Pedagogy and Speech Therapy, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Early Childhood Learning