Inclusive Education for Sustainability in Mathematics Learning: Application of Inquiry-based Facilitation to Advance Inclusivity


The education system in developing areas is based on teacher-centred classrooms with minimal learning resources. In such education systems, the application of inclusive education in mathematics classrooms refers to having all students learning the same content, responding to common teaching strategies, and applying similar learning strategies. The implication is that in any teacher-centred classroom, all students are regarded as the same in terms of cognitive abilities, social needs, and physical abilities. Diversifying individual students is not supported to cater for students’ individual cognitive abilities and needs. This research explores inquiry-based facilitation as a strategy to advance inclusive education in teaching mathematics. A case study was conducted where two groups of purposefully sampled grade 11 mathematics students were compared on their engagement in learning geometry. Group 1 was taught Geometry in a teacher-centred environment, while the second group participated in an environment where inquiry-based facilitation was prioritised. An observation checklist was utilised to record participation in both groups; and the interviews were held to determine the students’ experiences of inclusion in learning. Findings highlight that inquiry-based facilitation strategy is essential to advance inclusive education. The advancement is successful when students apply inquiry-based learning to achieve (1) social cohesion, (2) co-operative learning; (3) confidence and expertise to operate in a student-centred environment; (4) critical thinking skills; (5) exploration and discovery learning skills. In essence, open methods of teaching such as inquiry-based facilitation, support inclusive education and equip students with methods that are sustainable for cognitive development.


Motshidisi Masilo
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics Education, University of South Africa, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning