Revolutionizing the Learning Canvas: Analyzing the Potential Impacts of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Fashion Design


The emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tool evokes human perception in education. There are some potential challenges and concerns about the use of GenAI tools. The exploration in the transformative potential of GenAI within the realm of fashion design education is crucial to the learning process. This paper examines the utilisation of GenAI in assessment with students’ reflections on their experiences in the learning process through a detailed and diverse discussion with students. Providing insights and challenges of GenAI tools bring into the creative domain. It highlights the perceived benefits of GenAI in boosting design efficiency, fostering innovative thinking, and enhancing learning outcomes. In contrast, the study also illustrate student concerns and possible constraints on creativity. It also presents an enriched understanding of how GenAI’s utilisation in fashion design education could shape the current curriculum and pedagogy, to alleviate concerns and leverage the advantages of GenAI. The outcome points out the need for a balanced approach in AI integration that complements traditional design skills, cultivating a new breed of fashion designers who are adept in leveraging both human creativity and artificial intelligence. The insights from this paper call on educators and the fashion industry to acknowledge the approach and to drive a more productive and inclusive future for fashion design education and practice.


Ngan Yi Kitty Lam
Lecturer, School of Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


Generative Artificial Intelligence, Fashion Design Education, Learning Process, Digital Technologies