Modeling Inclusive and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Teacher Education


The benefits of inclusive and culturally responsive teaching have been well-documented and researchers have emphasized the importance of modeling positive examples of this pedagogy for future educators. Yet, there is currently a paucity of research in what effective modeling of this pedagogy looks like by teacher educators, particularly around issues of equity and inclusion. Moreover, tensions often exist between the student learning outcomes that teacher educators have with the needs and expectations teacher candidates have for their own learning. This paper shares preliminary findings from a qualitative inquiry into the perspectives of teacher candidates and the perspectives and practices of instructors into ways in which instructors in a teacher preparation program model inclusive and culturally responsive teaching (CRT) practices in program courses. Data analyzed include instructor and teacher candidate survey responses and semi-structured interviews with instructors. Findings include descriptions and examples shared among teacher candidates and instructors of a diversity of ways in which instructors model inclusive and CRT practices in program courses. Findings further identify areas for growth and additional support needed in order for instructors to further enhance their teaching repertoires in this arena.


Katya Karathanos Aguilar
Professor, Teacher Education, San Jose State University, California, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


Teacher Education, Teacher Preparation, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Inclusive Pedagogy