Meeting the Challenges of a Globalized World by Building an Entrepreneurial Mindset


Our study examines innovative, inclusive pedagogies that educators can use to harness an Entrepreneurial Mindset. We show how students who internalize an Entrepreneurial Mindset grow into changemakers who address social problems in an increasingly globalized and digital world. These pedagogies speak to the educational needs of Gen Z students who are eager to make connections between their educational experiences and the social challenges they see around them. The research is multidisciplinary and analyzes a primary data set to explore how students participating in curated pedagogies based on the Entrepreneurial Mindset grow to see themselves as changemakers. Using a mixed-method approach, our data shows how educational interventions can increase students’ ability to: solve problems, incorporate constructive feedback into solutions, flexibly adapt with limited resources, and work in teams to address problems collectively. Our data analysis informs the development of pedagogies to curate strategies that inculcate an Entrepreneurial Mindset across the curriculum. The results inform pedagogical practices that fortify students’ self-confidence as changemakers who take entrepreneurial approaches to meet challenges of inclusion while valuing intercultural competency. Drawing on our analysis, we speak to opportunities in different university educational settings that prepare university students to engage with the globalizing world around them thanks to the inculcation of an Entrepreneurial Mindset.


Katia Moles
Student, BA, Santa Clara University, CA, United States

Laura Robinson
Student/Professor Team, Sociology, SCU, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The Converging Challenges for Inclusive Education: Intercultural Competences and Digital Literacies in Global Contexts


University Pedagogy, Professionalization Curriculum, Educational Technologies, Community-Based Learning in Higher