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Jessyka Carvalho, Student, English, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Piauí, Brazil
Brenda Sousa, Student , Universidade Federal do Piauí , Piauí, Brazil

Using Video Analysis for Peer Feedback and Reflection in Pre-service Teacher Education View Digital Media

Poster Session
Megan Mackey  

Teacher candidates are required to complete the Video Analysis assessment to demonstrate their understanding of the standards, functions, objectives, and assessment of language and literacy within the content area. This assessment requires the candidates to video themselves teaching a segment of a lesson. It has three components to it, aligning to formative feedback for a summative course task: 1) Complete a Lesson Plan 2) Upload Video Segments from the implemented lesson (align to lesson plan submitted) a. one ten-minute video segment in which candidates are instructing a literacy or language objective in the discipline b. one five-minute video segment in which students in the classroom are using literacy and language to support content learning 3) Reflection of the Teaching Experience Video segments are shared in seminar class, and the course instructor and peers offer feedback using various lenses (students, teacher, learning environment). The candidates have numerous formal observations by their cooperating teachers and college supervisors, but this assessment allows them to see themselves, to react to their teaching behaviors, and to analyze the impact these behaviors have on student responses. This assessment supports a key outcome of the program: to design, deliver, and assess literacy/language strategies to deepen literacy and content learning within the discipline. A portion of the assignment also analyzes the established learning environment, and therefore also addresses the following outcome of the program: to create an inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment.

Closing the Excellence Gap: Strategies to Support English Language Development for Multilingual Students through Parental Involvement View Digital Media

Poster Session
Misty LaCour  

In order to close the excellence gap among multilingual students, teachers and families must collaborate to develop the student’s literacy skills. Parent involvement correlates to an increase in student’s academic achievement necessary to close the excellence gap, especially in English Language (EL) students. With the U.S. demographics swiftly changing and English growing as the lingua franca around the world, rapid English literacy development for multilingual students is becoming increasingly critical. This study shares specific strategies that educators can implement to support English literacy for multilingual students through parental involvement, even if the parents do not speak English themselves. The strategies shared include: voice recognition technology to develop English language, cloud based library of bilingual e-books, use of audio books in native language and English, parent-teacher communication using translation technology, hosting family workshops using interpreters, and co-learning family projects using web-based blogging.

A Phenomenological Inquiry of Undergraduate Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Experiences View Digital Media

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J. Sand  

Addressing today’s health issues requires collaboration across professionals and disciplines. Students preparing for careers in healthcare should participate in interprofessional education (IPE) opportunities to better prepare themselves for interdisciplinary teamwork and interprofessional collaboration in their future careers. To better understand the undergraduate experience of these opportunities and interprofessional collaborative practice in the workplace, first-person narratives were obtained through phenomenological qualitative inquiry. Graduates from a variety of undergraduate healthcare programs shared perspectives through a series of interviews, and cross-analysis resulted in the creation of three overall themes aligned with the interprofessional learning continuum model and IPE core competencies. These were collapsed into larger themes around professional identity, professional relationships, and patient-centered care. Participants indicated a perceived value in IPE, highlighting the necessity of the patient-focused healthcare team in providing a quality patient experience with better outcomes. These themes can be used to guide education efforts, emphasizing support for developing professional identity and helping students make a meaningful connection to their coursework and future profession. These findings support recommendations for interprofessional experiential learning opportunities, integration of IPE throughout the curriculum and at the undergraduate level, and extending interprofessional practice opportunities into the workplace. Integrating group work, case-based scenarios, and simulation with patient and community involvement can help students and professionals practice collaboration and patient-centered care.

Teaching Strategies and the ‘Hidden Curriculum’: Bringing Assumptions into the Light View Digital Media

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Kevin Block Schwenk  

The concept of the “Hidden Curriculum” and the overlapping concept of an “Implicit Curriculum” have been gaining attention in recent years. The implicit or hidden curriculum refers to the unspoken assumptions–whether implemented consciously or not–that commonly inform all aspects of education. These assumptions can involve embedded cultural expectations or values, the topics included or left off the explicit curriculum, the structure of the educational institution itself, and which teaching strategies and classroom structures are used. A more complete overview of the hidden curriculum can be found in The Glossary of Education Reform listing on the topic: In this short presentation meant to spur engagement and introspection, I uncover the assumptions around some common teaching and grading strategies. Are we grading on a scale based on students’ grades, thereby reinforcing the notion that some must do badly in order for others to do well? Does our attendance policy reward compliance to authority over students’ mental or physical well-being? What messages do we send by how we dress? What other lessons are we imparting to our students without our awareness?

Bilingualism and Cognitive Development: A Perspective Involving Content Language Integrated Learning View Digital Media

Poster Session
Mireia Rebolloso Andres  

While the Spanish education system has been increasingly expanding Bilingual education including the Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach, the existing programs have largely overlooked both the role of cognition for its optimal implementation as well as the adequate professional development of the teachers involved. There is a need to analyze and address teachers' needs, which point in directions that could reveal how bilingual education could be improved. This qualitative study explored different perspectives and experiences of several early childhood education teachers teaching English at bilingual public and charter schools in Zaragoza, involving leading researchers' findings in several academic fields. Findings from the literature review showed that an early, well-implemented, bilingual experience alters cognitive abilities, involving structural changes. Even if Spain has become one of the European leaders in bilingual education, teachers in the CLIL context seem to struggle to integrate all the key aspects necessary for its exemplary implementation. This study implies that strengthening teacher training will help develop bilingual education effectively. As a result, an innovation proposal based on CLIL principles has been proposed to help educators teaching English as a Foreign Language in early childhood education implement this approach effectively in their classrooms.

Revise a Text with a Peer: Strategies Deployed by 11-12 Year Old Students View Digital Media

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Jessy Marin,  Monica Turcotte Arbour,  Joane Deneault,  Natalie Lavoie  

Reviewing is an important step in the writing process. Although students are sensitive to respecting conventions during translating, it is essentially during reading/editing that they will focus their attention more particularly on this aspect in order to evaluate and modify their text if necessary. Different studies highlight the importance of getting students to use effective reading/editing strategies, but few allow the strategies used spontaneously by students in an authentic and collaborative writing situation. Thus, this research lists and describes the reading/editing strategies used by students when they carry out this stage of the writing process in a team. To do this, 36 French-speaking students in the 6th grade of primary school planned, wrote, and read/edited a story with a peer. The writing activity was filmed to collect the interventions. Those carried out during the last stage of the writing process were analyzed using a grid allowing them to be coded according to whether they concern the strategies used with regard to lexical spelling, grammatical spelling, syntax, punctuation, vocabulary and consistency of the text. More general strategies (e.g., proofreading) were also considered. A systematic analysis of the information was used carried out using the software NVivo 12. The results notably reveal whether, during collaborative revision/correction work, students use known strategies (e.g. looking up a word in the dictionary), whether they use them differently than if they were alone and if they find other strategies to implement. This is discussed in this communication.

Investigating Elementary Students' Knowledge and Attitudes toward the Education for Sustainability View Digital Media

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Hsing-Wen Hu,  Chen-Yuan Tu,  Grant Sasse  

This study explores elementary school students' knowledge and attitudes toward developing education for sustainability. In addition, the researchers examined the differences and correlations between demographic areas, family impact, and educational resources for the project. The research results show no difference in the student's knowledge/attitudes of education for sustainability in different demographic regions, but significant correlations existed between students' knowledge/attitudes and family impact. Moreover, educational resources were crucial in enhancing elementary students' awareness of education for sustainability. For future studies, gaining students' reflections may provide qualitative information about developing education for sustainability. In addition, investigating students’ knowledge/attitudes of education for sustainability impact on their awareness of climate change will be a timely study for an environmental issue we face.

Development of the Didactic Unit: Improving the Employability of Students of Russian and Chinese as a Foreign Language View Digital Media

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Tatjana Portnova,  Chiara Uliana,  Tamara Gorozhankina  

This presentation is a part of the research project entitled “Languages in the Professional Environment: Internationalization, Diversity and Employment in Classes of Russian, Chinese and Japanese” that took place at the University of Granada (Spain) during the last academic year 2022-2023. According to our observations, as language professors, humanities and modern languages students consider that their job opportunities mainly deal with teaching, translation and interpreting, since these professions are the ones that are most commonly related to the training they receive in these subjects at the Faculty of Modern Languages. Therefore, the present project appeared with the aim to broaden the students' minds and views, in addition to increasing the employability of graduates with a degree in Modern Languages for the minority languages at the same university which are Russian and Chinese. This teaching innovation project aims to create a teaching unit (6 sessions of 2 hours each) that includes the following contents: socio-cultural and contrasting theoretical aspects about job search, a specific glossary, linguistic activities related to job search, CV writing, reading job offers, mock job interviews, writing formal emails, etc. These activities will be adapted to the Chinese and Russian courses of the higher and advanced levels (B2). The final session includes a meeting and a debate with graduates that are currently employed in different labor sectors; this is done to help students' understand that this kind of university level training can open for them many different paths after graduation and extend their employability limits.

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