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Marielle Justine Sumilong, Instructor, Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts, University of the Philippines, Philippines
Maria Talyta Rodrigues De Jesus, Student, English Major, Federal University of Piauí, Piauí, Brazil

Why an Understanding of Social Work and Counselling Theory for Educators in Higher Education: An Exploration of How Theories which Underpin Social Work and Counselling Can Be Invaluable for Lecturers and Tutors in a University Setting View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Gavin Jinks  

The author has come to believe that the greatest assistance to his pedagogic approach are provided by key theoretical approaches in social work and counselling. This paper explores how a range of theories have proved invaluable in engaging students and assisting their self-belief. The study shows how the author utilises the ideas of the following theoretical ideas to support his teaching and tutoring: Person centred approach/Compassion focused approach/Action learning/Human Givens approach/Solution focused approach/Cognitive theory/Task centred approach.

(Re)modeling Praxis in Higher Education in Brazil: Towards Concepts of Multiliteracies and Translanguaging in the Classroom View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Isabel Cristina Vollet Marson  

In the context of the multiplicity of languages, cultural diversity, and English as a lingua franca (ELF) within the realm of globalization and global connectivity, teacher education is a particularly relevant issue for debate. Multiple ways of meaning-making and the use of all resources available in the classroom change teacher educators’ praxis. This paper discusses the results of a qualitative research project involving pre-service teaching education, multiliteracies, and ELF. The first sub-project involved the study of teaching practices from the perspective of multiliteracies (COPE; KALANTZIS, 2009) and multimodality in the pandemic, as well as self-reflection of praxis, through an autobiographical narrative. The results indicate that, even in the face of the instabilities experienced during the pandemic period, it was possible to share knowledge, exchange experiences, and use technological tools in favor of teaching-learning. The second subproject foresees the study of translingual practices that occur in written texts of a language major at a university in Paraná. It is meaningful to discuss how undergraduate students use translingual practices to communicate in written contexts (CANAGARAJAH, 2011; OTHEGUY et al, 2015). In addition to the literature review, texts by undergraduate students of the language major produced in formal evaluations were analyzed. The findings showed that translanguaging is present in students’ texts. It can be seen that students use translingual practices as a way to move between repertoires and represent their ideas through multimodality.

Decolonial Approach to Coursebooks View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Cristiane Veloso  

This research analyses coursebooks designed for teaching English as a Foreign Language since they are one of the main gateways through which ideological domination is conducted (CANAGARAJAH, 1999). It also identifies discourses of coloniality of power, knowledge (QUIJANO, 2000) and being (MIGNOLO, 2018) in their content and images with a view to encouraging reflection upon these discourses towards a more critical teaching practice. Through a qualitative analysis and a documentary method of interpretation, this research is intended for English teachers and undergraduates who may be interested in a decolonial approach in their practices.

Virtual Learning in the New Normal: Achieving Balance between Access and Quality View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Chris. Olusola Omoregie  

The emergence of communication devices brought about new possibilities for virtual learning that allowed learners and instructors to meet beyond their physical presence. So when the COVID-19 pandemic struck it only made online learning more conspicuous and valuable without barriers like location, religion and gender, amongst others. In fact, the ubiquity of virtual learning has created what is now referred to as the new normal and this prompted learners and instructors to interact at their pace in the comfort of their homes and offices. There is no doubt that virtual learning creates some sort of access but it also comes with some attendant challenges, especially to those who are regular users. It places some ethical precautions on educators who ought to ensure quality assurance by protecting people from impersonation and cheating during testing. This paper therefore discusses the benefits of virtual learning and identifies problems associated with it. It provides solution to the problems so that while virtual learning generates more access, it will not be at the detriment of quality.

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